10 Best Rock Climbers That Shook The World

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Are you an aspiring rock climber like me? �Yes!� High five, bro! I have always wanted to climb the highest mountain and the most beautiful rock formation, but alas! The only thing I can climb is into my bed. And it's not even that high! Well, I guess rock climbing isn't for me then. But for these ten rock climbers that shook the world, climbing is more than anything.

For Chris Sharma, one of the world's best rock climbers says, �Climbing is merely one of the ways to exist, pass the time and evolve and grow from one moment to the next.� In other words, climbing allows him to exist. So today, we will allow them to exist MORE by introducing two of the ten rock climbers that shook the world. Come on! Let's start rocking.

Guys, please forgive me but allow me to be bias here first. *big smile* I would like to start with Dave Graham, my favorite rock climber. Graham can climb almost everything. He is considered as one of the elite sport climbers and boulderers of his generation. Graham is well known for his �stance against grade-inflation and for his strong anti-chipping ethic.� Not only he is a fabulous climber, he also writes an ongoing blog for the website of Climbing Magazine. Will check this out later!

Next, I can feel the ultimate girl power from Lyn Hill. Lyn Hill is an American rock climber. Hill is considered as one of the leading competitive sport climbers in the world during the late 1980's and early 1990's. She has conquered one of the most challenging rock formations, the El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. She is regarded as one of the best female climbers in the world and one of the best climbers of all time. Whoa! The girl power here is beyond the maximum level guys! Hill becomes a public spokesperson. She also shapes rock climbing for women.

Well, this seriously rocks our world right now! Whoa! To continue rocking, visit the 'Camp Roxx's' website below.


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