30 Recipes That Freeze Fabulously

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People who love to cook always appreciate some good saving tips. Aside from the fact that cooking at home could already by cheaper than buying your meals out, there are a lot of things that you could do to make your meals last longer. One of the best ways to do it is to freeze them. Use your freezer not just for your ice and meat storage, but also for your home cooked meals that you intend to still have for weeks and even month after eating a portion of them. Here are some of the meals and how you could freeze them.

1.Lasagna- This food freezes well once you have baked it. If you know you want leftovers, you can even make two pans of lasagna and plan to freeze one whole pan. The important thing is to be sure when you freeze food that you do it in serving portions. Use plastic wraps for each serving that you want to preserve and then place them inside an airtight and freezer-safe container. Zip-lock plastic bags work too and just make that they are sealed properly. Don't freeze in ceramic dishes.

2.Soups, Stews & Chili- These dishes could last for half a year if you place them in an airtight, freezer-friendly containers as well. Some chefs would even advise that you double the freezer bags before placing them in. You can also use plastic freezer containers with sealing lids. Be sure to label everything you freeze and put a date on them if you know you won't be eating them for awhile.

3.Spaghetti Sauce- This will bring forth great joy to spaghetti lovers out there. You can freeze your own homemade spaghetti sauce using freezer bags too!

Know more information about other foods that you could freeze by checking out the website �Skinny Ms� below.

Learn MORE / Get RECIPE at Skinny ms.

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