4 New Uses For Honey

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You will want to take a look at these 4 new uses for honey! The staple many of us already have in our pantry is a great natural remedy that can save us money and provide healthy benefits. Honey has been enjoyed by people for a long time, with evidence of humans using honey as far back as 8,000 years ago. You may have even heard the story of Cleopatra, who was said to bathe in milk and honey. There is also mention that the Ancient Egyptians and Middle Eastern people used honey for embalming their dead! So it only makes sense that if we've been using it all these years, that it must have some natural benefits that we should know about.

It is said that honey does have healing health benefits, especially when the raw, darker, unpasteurized varieties of honey are used. Manuka honey is supposed to have the most healthy benefits, and this variety comes from New Zealand.The following are just a few of the natural remedies you might consider using honey for, from an immune booster, digestive aid, and skin-care treatment. The first thing on the list that honey might act as a natural remedy for is as a hydrating, acne-fighting facial mask. Honey is a humectant, which simply means it draws water to the skin, helping to relieve dryness and irritation. Honey is also known to have anti-bacterial properties which help break-out prone skin. Raw honey is the best as it is in its purest form. Raw honey retains active enzymes that haven't already been destroyed in the heating process.

To use honey on your face, you can apply a thin layer just like you would a facial mask. Start by putting a few tablespoons of raw honey in a small bowl, and then wet your fingertips slightly and dip them into the honey, and gently spread the honey onto your face. Leave the honey on for approximately ten minutes, then rinse your face with some warm water (you want to avoid using soap afterwards), then follow using some moisturizer. Honey is also a natural remedy for allergies and immunity. Honey has been known to help relieve sore throats, boost immunity, and calm coughs. Honey contains lots of good things from amino acids, enzymes, B vitamins, and is also high in minerals like magnesium and calcium, bioflavonoids, and antioxidants. Honey is also a natural remedy for allergies.

To use honey to help with allergies and immunity you want to eat one tablespoon a day. Try and make sure that the honey is grown with local flowers, and you also want it to be unpasteurized, so it stills has more of its antioxidants and enzymes. You can also add the honey to some apple cider vinegar or a cup of tea. You can also try using honey as a natural remedy for digestive issues. Honey is an anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial so it can help with digestive issues of the digestive tract. To use dilute the honey with some water to help support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Manuka honey from New Zealand is the best honey to use for natural remedies and medicinal use. If you can't get Manuka honey, try picking the darkest honey you can find to get the most antioxidants.

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