9 Home Remedies To Relieve Urinary Tract Infection

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You will want to take a look at these 9 Home Remedies To Relieve Urinary Tract Infection. Urinary tract infections also known as UTIs are a common health problem that effects both men and women, with women being more prone to them. If urinary tract infections aren't taken care of properly, they can lead to kidney infections and other complications if the bacteria manages to spread to the kidneys or the bloodstream. Some of the causes of urinary tract infections include not drinking enough water, a weakened immune system, unhygienic living conditions, and excessive sexual activities. The symptoms of a urinary tract infection are not pleasant with symptoms that often include pain or burning sensation during urination, cloudy urine with a pungent unpleasing odor, frequent urination and an urge to urinate often, an increase in abdominal pressure, and occasional blood stain in the urine.

Some of the natural remedies that may help to relieve urinary tract infections include baking soda, pineapple, cranberry extract, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, vitamin C, golden seal and oregano and avoiding irritating beverages. Baking soda may help with urinary tract infections by raising the acid-base balance of acidic urine from the infection and giving you relief from the pain. Neutralizing the acidity in the urine also will help with recovery. You can take baking soda by simply adding one teaspoon to a glass of water and drink it once or twice a day. Pineapple can help with urinary tract infections because it contains an enzyme called Bromelain. This enzyme has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce UTI symptoms. Taking pineapple with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor is a good way to get quickly rid of UTIs. For regular maintenance and to help prevent UTIs, you can eat a cup of pineapple on a regular basis. You can also drink the juice from half a pineapple and drink it. Fresh pineapple is better than the canned variety which may contain preservatives.

Cranberry extract is another preventative measure that helps with UTIs because it prevents the e. Coli from attaching to the urinary tract lining and bladder wall. Cranberry extract can also be used to help D-Mannose in flushing out the e. Coli. Pure cranberry juice with no added sugar is a good second choice if you don't have cranberry extract. Tea tree oil that is mixed with equal amounts of sandalwood oil and juniper oil can be used to rub over the abdominal area for 3 to 4 days. This is supposed to be a good home remedy to help treat the UTI. Apple cider vinegar is said to help flush out the bacteria that has accumulated in the urinary tract. To take apple cider vinegar, mix it in a glass of water and two tablespoons apple cider vinegar. You can also add a bit of lemon juice and honey the mixture if it is too strong. Drink the apple cider vinegar mixture twice a day. Remember to avoid irritating beverages. One of the easiest home remedies that you can practice avoiding UTIs is to avoid any drink that can irritate the bladder. This means avoiding drinks that have caffeine or citrus juice in them, along with soft drinks, alcohol, and coffee. These beverage recipes will not only cause bladder irritations, but they can also make your need to urinate worse.

These home remedies to relieve urinary tract infections is just one of the natural remedies and home remedies you will find on the "Natural News" site. This site has all sorts of independent articles and opinions on home remedies, natural health, politics, natural remedies, the environment and more. On the "Natural News" site you will find all sorts of food remedies, natural news, the environment, liberty, healthy, natural medicines, tech, fitness, science and lifestyle ideas.

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