Banana Mobiles

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These marvelous little banana strawberry cars are driving their ways into the hearts and tummies of happy moms and children. What a fun way to prepare a healthy fruit snack for children. Banana mobiles are so cute and adorable! Who wouldn't want to make these for their children? We all know that kids can be pretty fussy and making food time more fun by offering them a visually appealing dish can make it easier to get them to eat! Before we make these banana fruity mobiles, let's sneak a quick look about bananas first.

Bananas and strawberries are both on the top of the nutrition list. A banana comes in its own jacket and are available year round for harvest. They are a readily available fruit at your local grocery and reasonably priced. It is often one of the first foods introduced to babies and a food also that is easily eaten by seniors ( plus all ages in between).

A banana is rich in vitamins and minerals plus fiber. There are hundreds of edible varieties of bananas in a variety of color and sizes.

Bananas, of course, have health benefits... �bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin -- the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter.� And if you are going to a strenuous workout, you can eat two bananas before it. Bananas are a very good source of energy. Also, bananas are �high in potassium and low in salt.

Strawberries are among the most popular of berries and are low in calories and fats and rich in phyto-nutrients. They also are high in vitamins and minerals. Fresh berries offer an excellent source of Vitamin C and are a natural antioxidant. They also contain vitamins A and E, which play an important role in good health.

There is so much that is good about these two fruits, plus they taste great. These banana mobiles were served up as a part of a school lunch line program. Hat's off to the folks that came up with this brilliant idea.

You can easily make your own banana mobiles with strawberries, bananas, and a toothpicks to hold them together, so start your engines and begin!