Bread Cones

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If I had to say what my favorite food is, I would choose bread in a heartbeat! If you also love the taste of a warm piece of bread melting in your mouth, then you should check out these Bread Cones! With each bite, you get to sink your teeth into a mouth of fluffy bread stuffed with all kinds of mouthwatering ingredients. Take them to a party or make them to serve as an appetizer for your friends and family one night.

In order to make this recipe, you will need a few ingredients including milk, sugar, eggs, etc. You will start by mixing water and milk in a saucepan until it is very hot. Following this, you will need to begin adding ingredients and mixing them, which in the end will result in delicious dough that will serve as your bread. Once the bread has been made, you will need to let it sit for an hour, in which time it will double in size. While you are waiting for the dough to rise and take form, you can start making the scones. This is done with card stock (recommending 100#). Once you have made cones out of the card stock, wrap them with aluminum foil.

After the dough has been kneaded and cut into eight slices, you will need to make ropes from the dough and wrap them around the cone neatly. Then, wrap them in plastic wrap, and bake them in the oven at 350 degrees for 20-22 minutes. Once this has been done, you can let them cool and then fill them with your favorite filling. I love them with any kind of cheese and bacon! Ask your children what sounds good to them. It is okay to be creative and try something new.

This recipe site is created by Ellie, when she was younger she wanted to be a chef on PBS. She loves to cook and bake, and is always on the lookout for unique and scrumptious recipes. She has a passion for cooking with fresh ingredients. Most of her cooking and baking is from scratch, with ingredients she has around the house.

When it comes to bread there are a variety of combinations and proportions of types of flour and other ingredients, and also many different traditional recipes and ways of preparing bread. As a result, there are wide variety of different types, sizes, shapes, and textures of breads in various regions around the world. Bread may be leavened by a variety of processes ranging from the use of naturally occurring microbes, an example being sourdough recipes, to high pressure artificial aeration methods during preparation or baking. However, there are some products that are left unleavened, either for preference, or for traditional or religious reasons. Many non cereal ingredients may be included in bread, ranging from fruits and nuts to various fats. In many commercial breads you will find additives, some of them non nutritional put in to improve the flavor, texture, color, shelf life, and ease of manufacturing.

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