Caramel Apple Cookie Cups

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One of the most useful and fun treats I have been focusing on lately is 'Cookie Cups'. These soft and chewy little "containers" can be filled with a variety of tasty toppings and every time I make these I am falling in love with a new favorite recipe. I have tried strawberries and whipped cream on vanilla cake cookie cups, and blueberries and jam on spice cookie cups and this weekend we made Caramel Apple Cookie Cups. Caramel and apples go great together so well, and when I added a couple of nuts these were so addictive everyone just ate them up before I could freeze any for later use! This is the sign that you have surely found a recipe worth hanging onto.

I first started with the recipe for making the cookie cups. These are pretty much a chewy cookie recipe and then I bake the little cookies into cups using a cupcake container. Once I place the cookie dough in the cupcake mold tin, I make a little hollow or nest in the middle of the cookie so when it bakes, it will form in the shape of an edible cup. The cookie variations alone are endless. I have tried over 10 different cookie recipes as the cookie cups and each one made a tasty cup, everything from plain vanilla, chocolate chips and to more exotic spices like cinnamon nutmeg. Next part is the toppings and this is my favorite part! You can use so many different dessert toppings to make these cookie cups even better. These are perfect for any occasion, and you can even make a few different kinds for different tastes. People at a party would absolutely love to try a bite of each different kind and sample your different flavours. They would probably be begging you for the recipe after they were done trying them.

When I started making the cookie cup and experimenting with the toppings, I first started with just fruit slices, a couple strawberries and whipped cream on a vanilla cup. Then I made the chocolate chip ones and added the topping of ice cream, and a chocolate one with a chocolate mousse topping. The Caramel Apple ones were great last weekend. After we sauteed a couple of types of apple slices (red delicious and granny smith), a caramel sauce was added and melted all together. Once the apple slices were softened, I scooped out a couple into the cookie cup and drizzled the sauce on top. A sprinkle of raisins and chopped walnuts acted a a garnish and a spoonful of vanilla ice-cream was on the side of the plate. These were little cookie bites of apple pie! Everything tasted so great my family ate them all before I could pack them up to freeze them for another day. They are just so simple and easy to make as well, definitely a lot easier tha making a pie from scratch.

If you want a delicious recipe for Caramel Apple Cookie Cups, go to the blog Life Love and Sugar via the link below!

Learn MORE / Get RECIPE at Life Love and Sugar

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