Cheese and Zucchini Pie

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This Cheese and Zucchini Pie will quickly become a family favorite once you make it for yours tonight. It is an easy peasy and cheesy blend of great cheese and zucchini. And zucchini works perfectly with cheese. Actually, this recipe contains two cheeses that blend and complement each other and emphasize the great veggies in the dish. This is a quick recipe that makes up a sort of quiche; in this case, a vegetable one. Your family will love the flavors and you will love the nutrition.

Zucchini is a great vegetable to eat, with its creamy and white flesh, and tender crunch from the dark green skin. Make sure you keep the skin on whenever you prepare zucchini, not only for the lovely texture, but also for great nutrition including lots of fiber. As well, the skin has important anti-oxidants that help rid your body of free radicals. Squash is also loaded with manganese, vitamin C, copper and magnesium, and even trace amounts of calcium, iron and protein. So zucchini is a great summer squash to enjoy often. The zucchini is prepared with onions, another great vegetable. Onions are a member of the Allium family. They contain large amounts of polyphenols, important compounds for good health. In fact, they contain some of the largest amounts of these compounds of any vegetable. Garlic is another member of this same vegetable group and one of the most important to eat regularly. The World's Healthiest Foods website recommends one clove of garlic daily. This recipe could have garlic included in it, if you like. Cook these veggies in olive oil and you will increase the health benefits of all these foods immeasurably.

Cheese is another really nutritious food, and this recipe has included the cheese from two sources, both goats and cows. Did you know that cheese can be made from almost any animal that produces milk? Sheep, goats, and cows are all well known animals from which cheese can be made. Cows are perhaps the most well-known in North America, but other cultures use goat and sheep for their main source of cheese. And sheep cheese is the richest in terms of fats and carry extraordinary flavor. Goat cheese contains less fat, so if you are watching your weight this type of cheese might be a good choice for you. Together, the goat cheese and cow cheese create a lovely flavor blend that works really well against the eggs and other ingredients. Don't over bake this dish. It gets rubbery. It is better to slightly undercook the dish and then turn off the oven and watch until it reaches exactly the right temperature and level of doneness. Then the eggs won't be rubbery and the cheese will be perfectly chewy. Try this dish soon; it is quick and easy, and also a great snack for a Friday night at home. Find out how to make this recipe and many others just like it at the website, Cooking with Nonna.

Learn MORE / Get RECIPE at Cooking with Nonna

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