Corn Casserole

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Today we are featuring a great recipe called 'Corn Casserole'. I don't know about you, but I love cooking! Growing up, I would watch my Grandfather and my Grandmother grow vegetables in the garden, and they would make such great food. I still have these fond memories today, and they were such great cooks I learned so much from them. I like to read online about other cooks, and I followed Janet's Appalachian Kitchen on Facebook. I started to try her recipes and then I wanted to learn a bit more about her as I enjoyed her ideas so much. Everything she cooks she posts on her page with photos. It's always so wonderful to see the photos of the recipe you are going to make before you make it. I know I always prefer to be able to see a nice photo of the food I am going to make, you can tell so much from just a photo and judge whether or not you want to try something out.

Janet, the author of Janet's Appalachian Kitchen, grew up on a farm with her grandparents too, and can always remember helping her grandmother stir something in the kitchen. Everything from simple baked bread to extravagant pot roasts for the whole family, she was there in the kitchen seeing how it was done. She even says on her Facebook how everything was prepared with love. I saw that Janet was a cancer survivor who attributes her love of cooking from saving her from depression during some dark times of her illness. The cooking was soothing and gave her purpose and focus. I like to think that cooking does the same for me. I like sharing ideas and stores, and recipes are the best. It is amazing that something so simple as cooking can combat something as severe as depression, and I am grateful to enjoy it and see others being able to enjoy it as well.

This Corn Casserole recipe is for all of those people out there that love corn, and also people who really love cheese too. This recipe is kind of like macaroni and cheese but without the pasta noodles, and with corn instead. It could make for a great side dish to any meal you like or a wonderful addition to any potluck or dinner gathering table. When you see the photo of this awesome casserole recipe it is so hard to not just drool over it. Wouldn't you like to try some of this right away? Well, you can because it actually isn't that hard to make. All you do is make a creamy cheese sauce out of cream cheese and milk with garlic, and then add in some cheddar cheese. Then bacon and corn gets added to this and it all goes into a casserole dish to be baked in the oven until it is bubbling and hot. Wouldn't this be the perfect alternative to macaroni and cheese for your kids? You can get them to eat some vegetables with this version.

If you want to see more of Janet and her cooking, I suggest starting at the tasty corn, cheese and bacon casserole. Make sure you like her recipe blog page on Facebook so that you can have her recipes come up in your news feed. She posts recipes and photos regularly through Facebook so you can be sure that you will know the latest thing she has been making. She also has a cookbook that you can purchase on her website as well, which would be awesome to have around the house, especially if you don't want to have to rely on the internet all of the time. You can`t go wrong with this creamy recipes. It is a family favorite, and you are sure to love it too.

Learn MORE / Get RECIPE at Janet's Appalachian Kitchen

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