Drink This Homemade Weight-Loss Drink Morning and Night to See the Pounds Melt Away

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According to this article, you can drink this homemade weight-loss drink in the morning and again at night to literally watch the pounds melt away. Whether you need a soothing, all-natural drink to give you extra energy, or you need to shed a little weight � or both - this drink will work wonders. It's also very beneficial for the immune system and it tastes amazing, too. What could possibly be in this DIY hot drink recipe that is so good for so many things and will jump-start your metabolism on those days when you're feeling a bit sluggish? It's amazing what spices can do. All of the ingredients are completely organic and natural and good for you.

First, you start with about two thirds of a cup of hot water. Filtered water works best, or spring water if you have it. You can heat this up in a pot on the stove or in a kettle, whatever you like. It's this heat that's going to help take your metabolism up a notch and get your blood pumping a little faster � all in the most gentle, relaxing way. The next ingredient you'll need is one teaspoon of honey. This recipe calls for any kind of honey you might have at your disposal, but to make this energy drink even healthier, you can use raw organic honey, which is one of the greatest superfoods around. Honey has so much nutritional value, this could be an entire article on honey itself! Just to name some of its health benefits, honey has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, and antiseptic properties, and its natural sweetness can also help control blood sugar levels. In addition, honey can be helpful for gastro-intestinal issues like indigestion and heartburn. Honey is such a potent substance, however, only a small amount is required � like a teaspoon in this nourishing weight-loss drink.

The next ingredient is a tablespoon of grated ginger. Ginger is another superfood that is naturally warming and, when combined with hot water, will recharge your metabolism in the gentlest way. Like honey, ginger is very potent and only a small amount is needed. Any more than a tablespoon and your weight-loss drink might be too overwhelming for your taste buds! Start with this amount and, if you really find yourself enjoying the hot flavour, gradually increase the dosage but don't go too far. Ginger can be helpful for a vast array of gastro-intestinal ailments, including stomach cramps, nausea, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. It's also a very effective remedy for menstrual cramps and morning sickness. It can also help with respiratory diseases like asthma because it opens the air passageways in the lungs. When it comes to your metabolism, ginger is a natural stimulant that gently increases your body temperature as well as blood flow � this is why it is works so well as a muscle relaxant. According to scientific studies, ginger can increase your metabolic rate up to five percent. This is why it is always a good idea to take it in moderation.

There are just a few more ingredients to add to this metabolism-boosting drink that will give you energy whenever you need it. You can drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before you go to bed, but you could also have it in the middle of the afternoon � at that sleepy time of day when you need a little extra zip but don't want to have coffee. This weight-loss drink recipe comes from Ela Gale's YouTube channel where you can find all kinds of high-quality DIY recipes, hacks, and tips for a healthy, organic, all-natural lifestyle.

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