He Place a Glass Over the Frozen Butter, When I Found Out Why I Ran to Try It

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Learn some new awesome cooking hacks and kitchen skills from Household Hacker. This YouTube channel has so many great simple life hacks to try out including how to fix things around the house, clean your house, personal life hacks and inventive diy ideas. It's incredible how much you can actually learn from a simple 6-minute video on the internet and that these simple life hacks will probably stick with you for a long time. This video from the Household Hacker channel shares cool diy ideas and hacks that can help us out in the kitchen. They show us a few really easy recipes and food solutions that you can put to use right away. You don't have to be a pro in the kitchen to learn these great hacks, just watch the video, follow their instructions, and you'll be well on your way to creating some of the most amazing recipes ever. So jot down your favourite ones and get cooking.

1. If you need some softened butter to use in a recipe, or to spread on some bread or toast, instead of microwaving it, try out this simple life hack. Place the amount of butter you need on a plate. To soften the butter evenly, fill a glass with warm water and microwave it for a minute until it's hot. Dump the water out and place the glass over the butter and let it warm up slowly in the warm glass for a minute or longer until it achieves the desired texture. This saves your butter from loosing its creamy consistency which happens when you microwave it since the microwave heats it up too fast.

2. You can also make your own homemade butter in just a few simple steps. Get some heavy whipping cream and fill a mason jar half way with it. Put the lid on really tight and use your strong arm to shake the jar vigorously for 5 to 10 minutes. Put on some music and make a dance party out of it. Once the 10 minutes is up, you'll have thickened cream that resembles butter. Just pour out the remaining liquid and enjoy your fresh churned butter.

3. You might not believe it, but you can actually make your own mayonnaise, and it's super easy to do. Use two eggs, salt, lemon juice, and some light olive oil. Add all of the ingredients into a jar and let everything sit for one minute. Then, take an emersion blender and blend the ingredients until the mixture becomes thick and creamy. It will look just like the mayonnaise you buy in the store. Use it immediately in your salads or sandwiches and store it in your fridge to keep well.

4. Make some homemade doughnuts the next time you have a sweet tooth craving. All you need are some Pillsbury frozen biscuits, no need to make your own dough. Put some oil in the bottom of a large pot or pan and heat it up on your stove. Take the biscuits out of the packaging and lay them out. Punch holes in the centre with a bottle cap to make your doughnuts. Once the oil is heated, place the dough in the oil and fry on either side. Once they're done frying, let them cool a bit and then just toss them in a bag with some powdered sugar to coat them. Voila, you have fresh, yummy donuts.

Give all 7 of these sweet, simple life hacks and diy ideas a try and see how they work out for you. You may end up impressing yourself and your friends and family with your new cooking skills.***

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