Horse - Equus caballus

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Equus caballus, more commonly known as a horse, has long and rich history with humans. Dating back approximately 4,000 years ago when it is believed horses were first domesticated, and up until the emergence and availability of motorized transportation being affordable for the common person, the horse was an important and integral part of most families livelihood and well-being. Beautiful, strong and well muscled horses were used to plow fields, help with logging, mining, the building of railroads and more. They carried soldiers into war, families to new homes and onto new lives. They awe us with their abilities to run like the wind as well as being able jump and soar over obstacles of all kinds. They take us on journeys through the country side, help us round up livestock and reacquaint us with nature. They are our helpers, our servants, our companions and our friends. Horses - Equus caballus have long been essential to the existence and survival of humankind. Though we no longer rely on them as we once did, they continue to enchant and fascinate us.

'National Geographic' features a beautiful photo display of Horse - Equus caballus. There are horses grazing in vibrant green fields, a dark, moody sky in the background. You will see a rider and horse awaiting the sunrise atop a mountain. Black, bold, elegant and stately, this magnificent creature overlooks the valley below. From sunrise to sunset, young and old, in forests, atop mountains and in the valley glens. Found in every season, from spring to summer to winter and fall, in countries all over the world. This photo mural is a spectacular display honoring, Horse - Equus caballus. 'National Geographic' has been inspiring people around the globe since 1888 with photos that transfix, fascinate and awe! This non profit scientific and educational institute features articles and photography on geography, archeology and natural science, including wonderful stories like, Horse - Equus caballus. To read more about, Horse - Equus caballus and to view the breathtaking photos, head on over to 'National Geographic' by following the link below.

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