I Couldn't Figure Our Why She Was Rubbing Bread All Over Her Paintings... But It's Genious!

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These simple life hacks are just some of the things you can do when wondering how to make your life easier. The best part about this list of useful tips for life is they won't cost you a lot of money, as most use ingredients that you already have around the house. You will be surprised at this list of 15 kinda weird ways on how to make your life easier and get the house clean using leftover food. The following are just some of the simple life hacks you will find on the list.

1. Dust paintings or stucco ceiling with bread heels. And you can use a paint brush to dust off any crumbs left behind in the process.

2. White vinegar can be used to clean windows. You can make a natural cleaning solution for window by mixing some undiluted white vinegar in a spray bottle, or you can use equal parts of white distilled vinegar or cleaning vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Then spray on the windows like you would with window cleaner and clean with a window cleaning cloth.

3. An easy and inexpensive way to fresh up the fridge is with some coffee grounds. Just pour some coffee grounds into a clean sock, tie off the end, and then toss it in your fridge. If you like the smell of coffee, this is a simple life hack you will love. The smell of the coffee will help to freshen or at least cover up any unwanted odors inside. The coffee grounds don't absorb odors like activated charcoal does, but it gives your fridge an amazing coffee smell that will wake you up every time you open the door.

4. White wine can be used to disinfect the kitchen with dry white wine. The alcohol in the white wine works as a disinfectant to get rid any bacteria found on countertops. Don't use on granite as it can ruin the finish.

5. This simple life hack will give new life to your cast iron pots and pans and help to season them. Next time you open up a pound of butter save the wrapper to rub on your cast iron pots and pans, it works great at seasoning them. Seasoning cast iron is a process that is used to help protect bare cast iron cookware from rusting and to also create a non-stick surface.

6. Cornstarch doesn't cost a lot at the store and is a safe ingredient to use to help fresh up your carpets. Simply sprinkle some of the ingredients on the carpet floors and leave on for about 30 minutes, then vacuum. The cornstarch will soak up any odors and dirt and leave your carpet smelling fresh and clean. You can also use cornstarch to clean windows, help polish furniture, and to shampoo carpets and rugs. If you are trying to avoid harsh chemicals and toxic cleaners, cornstarch is an excellent alternative to this.

7. Rice is an excellent way to clean out those odd shaped bottles and vases you have around the house. Just mix some uncooked rice with enough water to swish around in the bottle or vase. The mixing of the rice and water acts as an agitator and scrubs the bottle clean.

These simple life hacks and useful tips for life are just some of the ideas on how to make your life easier on The Krazy Coupon Lady site. On the site, you will find all sorts of coupons, deals, simple life hacks and useful tips for life. You will also find home cleaning ideas, recipes and more. **

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