In Defense Of Potatoes, Because They Only Deserve Praise

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Potatoes recipes have gotten a bad rap lately, which really isn't fair. The potato has been with us through thick and thin, and will always retain a host of beneficial qualities for us. Here's an article written in defense of potatoes, because they only deserve praise.

As yummy as they are, let's forget sweet potato recipes for a moment as it's always a wise idea to eat a variety of roots and vegetables. White potatoes, Yukon Gold potatoes, russet potatoes, and red potatoes are all good for us - for so many reasons. Perhaps it's just the types of potato recipes we've been cooking lately that have made them seem unhealthy. Potatoes go so well with sour cream and bacon that nutritional experts have started looking at them with suspicion, but it's not the potato's fault. Potato chips and French fries haven't helped much either, but there are healthy, low-fat ways to cook fries and chips, too. Underneath all of the condiments and cream, potatoes actually have a lot going for them. Potato nutritional benefits make them a reliable source of potassium, iron, phosphorous, zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6. One thing to remember about potatoes is that they are very low in cholesterol as long as they aren't cooked in heavy oils. Studies are showing the nutrients in potatoes can assist with our bone health as well as heart health and blood pressure. Because potatoes contain choline, they can also be helpful in relieving inflammation. Another key potato nutrient is folate, which assists with DNA and cell repair in the body � for this reason, eating potatoes can possibly reduce the risk of cancer as well. As with anything, it's always best to eat everything in moderation. The same goes for potato recipes. It's probably not a great idea to eat them every night of the week, but two to three servings a week would be perfect.

There are so many different ways to cook potatoes and so many healthy ways to cook potatoes as well. For example, you can slice them into chips, fries, or wedges, toss with them with a bit of coconut oil and lemon juice, add your favourite spices, then roast them on a tray lined with parchment paper for forty-five minutes or so. This is just one idea for a yummy potato recipe that is also extremely good for you. Potato recipes are so versatile � you can boil potatoes, bake potatoes, and roast potatoes. You can make mashed potatoes, potato salad, and use potatoes for savoury pastry fillings. For anyone dealing with sensitivity to gluten, potatoes can make an excellent wheat substitute � for example, how about some potato pancakes? Some say they even taste much better than flour pancakes.

This excellent article on the many benefits of potatoes comes from the �Bon App�tit� website and was written by Dawn Perry. Bon App�tit is an online food and culture magazine with lots of travel, lifestyle, and recipe ideas. Here you can find a host of high-quality dinner, breakfast, and lunch recipes to choose from as well as dessert recipes, hors d'oeuvres recipes, and tea-time snack recipes. If you enjoy food, travel, and culture, this website could be of great interest to you. You'll also find new ideas for potatoes recipes here � for example, how about �baked russets with Greek yogurt, chives, and saut�ed kale�? You can even add bacon, but only if you want to, of course.


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