26 Amazing Household Cleaning Tricks For A Spotless Home

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If you own a home you know just how much cleaning there is to do, so this list of "26 Amazing Household Cleaning Tricks For A Spotless Home" is sure to help you get a handle on some of the projects you need to do. Whether it's the shower, the couches, or the kitchen you notice the grime, but you have no idea how to fix it.

This list of 26 amazing household cleaning tricks for a spotless home covers all those tough to clean areas, and how to clean them without a hassle. Turn your house into a sparkling wonderland with all of these amazing tricks. Many of these tricks don't require a lot ingredients, and a lot of them you will already have in your house. The nice thing about most of these tips is that they are as natural as possible for the best results, better than using toxic cleaners that we sometimes do.

The following are just some of the cleaning ideas from the list. The first one is on how to remove hard water stains from your toilet, you know the ones, that no matter how hard you try they just won't go away. Most of us don't want to talk about our toilets, but we know how annoying some of those water stains can be. This tip is the easiest way to remove hard water stains from your toilet, without the use of bleach, and you'll wish you knew about it sooner. So without harsh chemicals and without using a mask you can get the job done, just by using a pumice stone and a little bit of elbow grease, Yep, that's the secret a pumice stone, so grab it, and dip it in the water and get to work. To start you might want to use some rubber gloves, so put them on if you do, and get your toilet back to its sparkly original self. You might see a bit of powdery substance inside the bowl once you start scrubbing, don't worry that's just some of the pumice stone powder that rubbed off of the stone, while cleaning the stains off. You will quickly see the stains start disappearing right before your eyes, this trick really works. All you have to do is use the pumice stone and scrub off the hard water marks, that's it.

Now the next tip on the list, is on how to get out those pesky carpet stains. This tip requires the use of an iron. Now the tip says to use windex and spray on the carpet stain (you may worry about the blue staining the carpet but apparently is doesn't), then using a towel over the stain, iron over the area. That's it, the towel will left the pesky stain right out of your carpet.

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