Insane Indoor Climbing Training

Find Your Perfect ONLINE JOB

If you are an avid climber, whether indoor or outdoor than you should definitely check out this Facebook page with tons of amazing climbing information on it! I love climbing is a hub for all things rock climbing, mountain climbing, and indoor climbing. Started on August 4, 2009 it is a community for people who love the climb to share photos, events, climbing facilities, places to climb out doors and much more. On their web site is a map of all the different places you can go climbing, and it syncs up to your very location so you can see what is happening around you! Such a great way to make friends with other climbers and train, learn new things from new people even!

I have done a lot of hiking and some small climbs, but nothing as epic as what you will see on this page. It seems you can find access to training if that is what you are looking for as well. The indoor facilities are great because they have instructors right there to teach you all you need to know and even gear you can rent out if you don't own any. It is a very popular hobby for sure up here in Canada. We have so many awesome places you can go in nature and just enjoy the serene quiet of the mountains or forest. It is really amazing to see people scaling a wall in their videos too. On their Facebook page there are a ton of great, inspirational photos you can have a look through and maybe feel pumped up to go and climb, or try it out for the first time if you have never done it before. Head over and check out "I Looove Climbing's" Facebook page by following the link below! Enjoy!

Learn MORE at I Looove Climbing

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