iPhone X Facial Recognition, Say Hello to Big Brother, this is When a Scary Sci Fi Future Becomes Now

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So, you can unlock your iPhone X with facial recognition. Pretty cool, pretty sci-fi. Any faster then touching the home button with your thumb? I doubt it very much, fingerprint recognition works like a charm, it's fast and handy. So what is the point of this much toted feature, seriously?

The number of iPhone users in the world, is vast. iPhone sets the trends in phone tech as well, if anyone things that facial recognition is cool... well, you can be that other phone developers are going to follow suit.

Why this is scary... well, let's just assume for a moment, that a big company like Apple (Google, Facebook, etc) decided (or was ordered, paid or in some other way) decided to share their personal data, your facial structure, the mapping protocol for how to recognize YOU from any photo or video, let's assume that they decided NOT to keep that data totally private and only available to you on your phone.

That could theoretically mean, that by using the iPhone X's facial recognition software, just one, your face, your bone structure, your identity, could at some point be used to track your location anywhere you happen to be caught on camera, street lights, surveillance camera, drone cameras, YouTube videos, etc... it would become possible that every human starts volunteering the exact piece of data that big brother needs in order to "face search" you across the entire internet, and live, real time, in the world.

I dare say, that this is possible, probable, and ultimately, inevitable. My advice, don't give away your identity for a phone feature which is no more convenient then fingerprint touch ID.