Learn How to Clean Your Kitchen While Cooking and Save Time

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The old adage that cleanliness is next to godliness, may be a little worn out and sounds a little strict in our modern age, but having a clean kitchen definitely gives you quite a lot of piece of mind and a clean slate to work your kitchen magic in. Here are some awesome Quick Tips For Keeping A Clean Kitchen While Doing All This Cooking. From Kitchen Stewardship, Cara writes about her tested methods on keeping her kitchen nice and clean. Being a mother of 2 toddlers and a wife to a working husband, she has figured out different ways to work the most efficiently in her home, especially in the area of the kitchen, where she says she spends a lot of her time, making the meals for her and her family, and then obviously cleaning up after that too.

Home making is kind of becoming a lost art, most women and men become more concerned with their careers and providing money to keep the family secure, than spending more time at home, doing the immediate things that need to be done, like cleaning and cooking. All of the household tasks do require a lot of organization and strategy to make sure that everything and everyone is tended to.

She has some awesome tips that will help you to see your way through to a clean kitchen, while still providing your family with delicious, home cooked meals, and not feeling totally exhausted at the end of it all! I love her tips, and we use a lot of them ourselves in our home, we usually always try out best to wash dishes as we go, it just makes things a lot easier and when your food is done, you can just relax and eat! She has so many other tips that are so valuable!

One of the tips on the site is to use water and a little soap for cleaning that should be enough. She doesn't find it necessary to use any special cleaners to clean the kitchen and dishes. She uses some natural dish soap and vinegar and that's plenty. Using a small amount of cleaners keeps it simple and less overwhelming.

Vinegar is a liquid that consists mainly of acetic acid and water. The acetic acid is produced by the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. Vinegar is now mainly used as a cooking ingredient. Historically, vinegar has been the most easily available mild acid, it had a great variety of industrial, medical and domestic uses, some of which (such as its use as a general household cleanser) are still promoted today. Commercial vinegar is produced either by fast or slow fermentation processes. In general, slow methods are used with traditional vinegars, and fermentation proceeds slowly over the course of months or a year. The longer fermentation period of vinegar allows for the accumulation of a nontoxic slime composed of acetic acid bacteria. Fast methods add mother of vinegar to the source liquid before adding air to oxygenate and promote the fastest fermentation.

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