Moms Pepper Steak

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What is this Pepper Steak recipe about? It is a stir fried Chinese-American food that is consists of a sliced beef often a sirloin, flank, or round. It is cooked with a sliced green or red bell peppers with seasonings like ginger, onions, bean sprouts and soy sauce. Facts about the dish's existence dated from at least 1948 in the United States of America and originated from Fujian cuisine. This recipe is, in fact, a quick and easy beef stir fry method that is best paired and served with yang chow fried rice. Hmmm! I guess your stomach is now growling *lol*.

Since this, recipe is a stir-fry dish, the cooking time acquired for this is fast. The meat needs to be marinated in seasoning to ensure that it absorbs all the necessary flavors before cooking. My nanny used to make this pepper steak recipe a lot when I was a kid. She was good at taking any meat and making it tender. She chooses whatever cut of beef she like but certainly adjusts the cooking time too. We enjoy it at least twice a month in our home during weekends. Sometimes she puts ample amount of butter on the top of my rice before putting the pepper steak as toppings. Yummy!

As we grow up, we all have different comforting foods. It could be a pot pie, a meatloaf, or a certain chicken recipe that your mom or dad made. Mine was this pepper steak! I can think of no other dish that says warm and hearty more than Pepper Steak.

To know more about the recipe, and it's exact information, you may visit the�All the Cooks� website below.

You may also share this recipe with your friends, family, and colleagues. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and happy cooking!

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