Orange Creamsicle Cheesecake that You Won't Regret Eating (A LOT)

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With less then 10 minutes to prepare, the Orange Creamsicle Cheesecake is fast, simple, easy and delicious. For the hot dog days of summer it is the perfect dessert as it requires no baking! Refrigerate for four hours and serve. A delicious creamy white topping, sprinkled with bits of mandarin orange, served on a graham cracker crust. Mm mm good! The Orange Creamsicle Cheesecake recipe can be found on 'Butter With a Side of Bread'.

'Butter With a Side of Bread' creators are busy women, wives, and mothers. With 9 kids between the two of them, they know what recipes will please and which will not. Jessica and Nellie have combined their loves of perusing great recipes and a love of cooking to bring us fabulous pizza, pasta and meatless dishes. For those of us with a sweet tooth there are cookies, candies, cakes like the Orange Creamsicle Cheesecake and more. Check out their biscuits, yeast breads and quick breads as well. Also visit their product reviews, restaurant reviews and giveaways. With so many fabulous recipes, 'Butter With a Side of Bread' will keep you cooking and baking scrumptious recipes for a long time to come. Perhaps like Frank Epperson you will accidentally create something amazing!

Frank Epperson is the creator of the childhood treat, and well, adult treat, popsicles. Leaving a soda out overnight with a stick in it turned out to be a really amazing "oops". This turn of the century forgetfulness has spawned a nearly century old summer delight. The "Epsicle" as it was originally called became "Pop's sicle", Epperson's children's favorite treat. After taking 18 years to patent his lapse in mindfulness, Epperson sold his patent in 1929. Amazing how something so unintentional became something so substantial! For a substantially pleasurable treat for the taste buds and perfect for a summer evening delight, try the Orange Creamsicle Cheesecake recipe found on 'Butter With a Side of Bread'.

It's difficult to imagine our lives without oranges, they have become such a popular part of our morning breakfast routine, with sliced oranges on our plates, snacks and our glass of healthy orange juice. Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C, so many of us like to keep them in our diets especially in the winter when we don't get as much sun. The orange is thought to have originated in southern China, northeastern India, and possibly southeastern Asia, and that they were first cultivated in China around the time of 2500 BC. In Europe were introduced to Italy by the crusaders in the 11th century, and were grown widely in the south for their medicinal purposes, but the sweet orange was unknown until about the late 15th century or the beginnings of the 16th century, when Italian and Portuguese merchants brought orange trees to the Mediterranean area. Shortly after this time, the sweet orange was quickly adopted as an edible and popular fruit.

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