Overweight Women Tend To Earn Smaller Paychecks, Study Claims

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New found study shows that, the more heavier the woman is, the more she'll likely to be in a more, low paying, and vigorous job, in a less visible corners of the work place compared to the average sized woman.

In fact, According to research released by Vanderbilt University, that when a woman "becomes overweight", she is more likely to land less on a public facing position, with a better-paying white collar jobs. And even, extra pounds and leaner paycheck, goes together.

"And women who are considered obese or morbidly obese � based on their body mass indexes � are more likely to forced into some of the cheapest-paying, most labor-intensive roles in industries such as home health, food prep and child care", said Jennifer Shinall, the study's author and an assistant professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School.

�The data shows employers don't want to hire heavier women to be the face of their company,� Shinall said.

And basically the job, they get, is not typically their choice, because of it's in the lowest pay, compared to the woman with has an average body type. One factor is, In jobs that needs personal interactions with costumers or prospects, Average typed woman, are likely earn 5% more than the obese woman, they are both in the same job, with the same public demands , but there is a difference in terms of sales, the federal data shows.

�I think what's going on here is these physical-labor jobs are the only jobs that many morbidly obese women can get,� Shinall said. �Their options are more limited. Lots of times, these are the jobs that no one else wants.�

�The data shows employers don't want to hire heavier women to be the face of their company,� Shinall said.

�But morbidly obese men don't seem to be underrepresented in these personal-interaction jobs, nor do they seem to be over-represented in physical-activity jobs. That's what's striking about the data: We see a pattern for women but not for men,� Shinall said. �This is a sexual discrimination issue.�

This has been on for years now but it is more salient now, because of the increased of no. of obese women, thus, highlighting the problems an obese woman faces.

Joanne Ikeda, a longtime member of and scientific adviser to the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, a civil rights nonprofit, said that, the inequalities doesn't surprise her, "There has been just study after study showing fat people are discriminated against in housing, employment, college admission, even in adoption," said Ikeda, nutritionist emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley. "You can today fire a fat person for no other reasons other than they are fat, and you don't want a fat employee."

But, a few cities had issued an ordinance already for the protection of the civil rights of the overweight citizens such as San Francisco, Ithaca, and New York.

"In the workplace, this is getting worse," Ikeda said. "The whole 'war on obesity' has focused a whole lot of attention on fat people and the general impression of the public is they can be shamed or scared into getting thin. This is absolutely ludicrous. If every fat person who has been shamed was motivated to somehow get thin, believe me they would be."

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