Peach Dumplings

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There is truly nothing better on a summer's eve than biting into the perfectly baked peach dumpling. Forget berries, peaches provide both the health benefits of fruit and an incredible taste which mixes both tart and sweet. You can impress not only your family, but all of your neighbours and friends in just about an hour with this incredible recipe.

The ingredients are simple, including crescent rolls, cinnamon, orange soda and of course, peaches! You will need simple materials such as a baking pan, an oven and your amazing baking hands! After cooking for a half hour, these dumplings will taste best served warm.

If peaches are not your favourite fruit, this recipe could definitely work with classic berries or maybe even apples. If you are feeling brave, use a recipe to make your own pastry dough. Try experimenting; you never know what you may create!

The word �dumpling� can sound quite funny, but has a very interesting history. It dates back to around 1600 and appeared in the Norfolk area of the United Kingdom. Norfolk dumplings were able to easily fill empty stomachs without spending an abundance of money. In the beginning, dumplings were filled with varieties of meat, but these days, almost anything can be found inside. Due to their delicious taste and warm temperature, dumplings are more often found in colder climates.

Many countries have their own type of dumplings, differing in pastry, filling and cooking technique. From Italy's Gnochi to Mexico's Tamale, each dumpling is amazing in its own right. For this summer season, skip the heavy meats and fill your delicious dumplings with peaches. Whether you're in France or California, these pastries will be the talk of the town.

The peach is a deciduous tree that is native to the region of Northwest China between the Tarim Basin and the north slopes of the Kunlun Shan mountains, where it was first domesticated and cultivated. It bears an edible juicy fruit called a peach or a nectarine. Peaches were brought to the Americas by Spanish explorers in the 16th century, and eventually made its way to England and France in the 17th century, where it was a prized and expensive treat. The horticulturist George Minifie supposedly brought the first peaches from England to its North American colonies in the early 17th century, planting them at his Estate of Buckland in Virginia.

Lemon juice, rind, and zest are used in a wide variety of foods and drinks. Lemon juice is used to make soft drinks, lemonade, and cocktails. Lemon juice is used in marinades for fish, where its acid neutralizes amines in fish by converting them into nonvolatile ammonium salts, and meat, where the acid partially hydrolyzes tough collagen fibers, tenderizing the meat, but the low pH denatures the proteins, causing them to dry out when cooked.

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