Peach Pecan Crisp

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With the summer heat comes summer treats, and while the heat will soon be gone, you can continue to make this heavenly dessert all through the season to remind you of the warmth. Here's an awesome recipe for Peach Pecan Crisp that will make your mouth water just by looking at the picture, I know mine sure is! Peach and pecan really just make such a wonderful combination, and now that peaches are in season it's the perfect excuse to go to your local farmers market and stock up. Although, if you really want a good deal then you can find a place where you can pick them yourself. Maybe you are even lucky enough to have your own tree in your own backyard! No matter how you choose to get your peaches, one thing is for certain... they are going to taste absolutely amazing in this peach pecan crisp. Crisps are such a wonderful and easy dessert to make, really all you need is your fruit, in this case, the pecans and the peaches, and some sugar, flour, oats, and butter. Plus a few spices like cinnamon to really spice up the flavours and make it really fall ready!

Here on the food blog website "Sally's Baking Addiction" , there are plenty of recipes to choose from. Her blurb on the site says "Baker, author, photographer, dog enthusiast, lover of peanut butter, obsessed with sprinkles." to give you an idea of what to expect. She does take some amazing photos of her food which do a great job at highlighting all the wonderful things she creates in her kitchen. She also had gone to cooking school, but is mostly self taught. She started up the blog to share her love of cooking and baking with the world, to inspire others to make awesome desserts and food. She even has two cookbooks out, one for candy and one for cookies! They would be fun to try out as well. She mostly has recipes for cookies, pies, crisps, cobblers, candy and pastries. They all look amazing and super hard to resist!

This recipe will make a large quantity fit for sharing. Although, if you want to cut the recipe in half then it will work just as well. Or maybe make some mini portions by cutting the recipe into 1/4 so that you can enjoy it all on your own. No matter what portions you decide to have, prepare to travel to heaven. Your taste buds will be thanking you! Imagine having this crisp fresh and hot from the oven with some vanilla ice cream on it, or maybe some whipped cream! That would just take it to a whole other level! The nice thing is, that crisps are super easy to make, and even if you don't have a lot of time, you can whip one up really fast and have it to eat in no time! If you want to checkout the full recipe and get your baking gloves on, then get ready! All you have to do is click on the link below to get redirected to the "Sally's Baking Addiction" website today.

Learn MORE / Get RECIPE at Sally's Baking Addiction

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