Protective Crystals For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People

Empaths are people who take on the spiritual feelings of others. They are constantly absorbing other people�s energy and emotions. Sometimes this can be overwhelming. Empaths and highly sensitive people are similar in that they both have a love of nature and quiet environments, with a desire to help others, and their rich inner life. Highly sensitive people have a low threshold for stimulation, with a need for alone time, sensitivity to light, smell and sound, and an and an aversion to being in large groups. It takes highly sensitive people longer to wind down after a busy day since their ability to transition from situations of high stimulation to being quiet takes longer. Highly sensitive people are also typically introverts, while people who are empaths can be introverts or extroverts although most empaths are introverts. To manage your empathy, it is a good idea to practice daily psychic protection techniques and also to carry protective crystals with you. Another technique is to cleanse your aura and chakras every evening. On the Conscious Mind site, you will find a list of protective crystals that can be helpful to both empaths and sensitive people. The following are just some of the crystals that will help filter out excess noise and shield you from collecting energetic junk.

Aqua Aura is a crystal that will clean and heal any holes, tears or lose patches that are within the Aura. Aqua Aura is a crystal that has the power to heal any victim from a psychic attack by cleansing and healing the Auric Field. Along with the Aura, aqua aura heals the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual bodies. When you wear Aqua Aura, it helps to radiate and shine with your inner-beauty. Aqua Aura is also known as Aqua Aura Quartz. This crystal is a Quartz crystal that is bonded with Gold and is a recipe for a psychic bullet proof shield. Harmful energies can be deflected or trapped inside. Aqua Aura is a crystal of spiritual elevation, which can aid spiritual growth through the development of communication and psychic gifts. Aqua aura has an intense vibration that can activate the soul energy of a person, along with also activating all of the Chakras. Aqua

Hematite. This is a crystal that is easy to find. Hematite is an iron-rich crystal that has a dark metallic grey color. Hematite is a protective mirror shield that helps strengthen your own aura and also deflect harmful energies and vibrations. Hematite is a crystal that also helps you to avoid people that drain your energy which is also known as Psychic Vampires. Aqua Aura is the crystal stone of spiritual elevation, which aids your spiritual growth through the development of psychic gifts and through communication. Hematite has an intense vibration that is known to help activate the soul energy of a person, along with activating all of their Chakras.

Black Obsidian. This crystal is a form of black volcanic glass. Black Obsidian is an earthy crystal that packs fiercely protective and powerful energy when needed. You can use Black Obsidian to keep unwanted energies from entering your personal aura and space. The Black Obsidian is a crystal that is linked with the concept of darkness, and just like the ever-spinning planet and its phases of both night and day, and the human soul which also contains the elements of light and dark. Black obsidian is a powerful protection stone, which helps identify your dark side so that the healing properties that can clear it away from your psyche. You will find the protective crystals for empaths at The Conscious Mind site. On the site, you will find spiritual, psychic, spiritualism, relationships, zodiac and so much more. **

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