Quick and Simple Way to Make Your Own Mayonnaise

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If you love creating your own food at home, Household Hacker has the perfect diy ideas for you. Their YouTube channel has so many great simple life hacks that you can use in your day to day life or just for fun once in a while. They feature simple life hacks for cleaning your house, doing your laundry, for making food and even for fixing things around the house. This particular video shares simple life hacks that will help out in the kitchen showing you in a few different recipes and food solutions you may have never heard of before. You may even impress yourself or your family and friends with your new culinary skills too. They don't even require too much cooking know how, you just follow the simple instructions in the video, and you'll be well on your way to making your own doughnuts, homemade ice cream and even your own homemade mayonnaise. You'll also learn how to keep apples from turning brown and how to make butter. So enjoy learning how to become a master in the kitchen with these 7 simple life hacks.

1. Did you know you can make your own mayonnaise and that it's actually really easy to do? Whip up a quick batch of fresh mayonnaise in no time, just grab a couple of eggs, some salt, lemon juice, and some light olive oil. Put the lemon juice and salt in the bottom of a jar and mix around and then add the eggs. Add in the olive oil in on top of that and let the ingredients sit for one minute. Take your emersion blender or an electric mixer and start blending the mixture until it becomes thick and creamy, just like mayonnaise. In under 5 minutes, you'll have your very own, healthy mayonnaise that you can use in salads and sandwiches.

2. If you need softened butter, don't put it in the microwave. Microwaving butter can completely melt it, ruining it for your recipes. To soften it evenly, just fill a glass with water and microwave it for a minute or so until it's hot. Then dump the water out and place the glass over the butter on a plate. Leave the warm glass over the butter for a minute, and when you remove the glass, it should be nice and soft and ready to use in your recipe.

3. You don't need a fancy ice cream maker to enjoy your own home made ice cream. All you need is a bunch of ice, salt, half and half cream, sugar and vanilla. Put your ice cubes in a large bowl or pot and sprinkle salt on them and mix them around in it. Then, pour in your cream in a ziplock bag and add some sugar and a little bit of vanilla extract for flavour. If you want to experiment with other flavours, add them in at this stage. Zip the bag closed and put that bag into another bag and seal it too. Fill an even larger bag with ice cubes and place the cream in the bags inside the ice cubes. Work the ice around the cream, and after a while, the cream will harden creating ice cream. Add your favourite toppings, and you've got yourself a homemade treat.

Enjoy watching the entire video so you can learn how to do all of these cool diy ideas, and be sure to share your favourite ones with your friends and family. You can also check out Household Hacker's other YouTuve videos and learn how to do some other really interesting things too.***

Learn MORE / Get RECIPE at Watch the Entire Video on YouTube

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