Remove Mold from Wood and Walls (for Good!)

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If you've ever had to deal with mold around your house, whether it be on your wood holdings, walls or wood floors, you'll want to read this household cleaning tip on how to remove mold from wood and walls (for good!). Maybe you've had a lot of rain and moisture in the last while, or your house has been humid, that is when pesky and unhealthy mold can grow. You will also find cleaning tips on how to keep mold from coming back.

Mold is not only unsightly and gross, but it's also unhealthy to be in the air you breathe. So getting rid of it and using household cleaning tips to keep it from coming back is important for you and your family. Most people turn to Clorox to use as a cleaning home remedy, but it's one of the worst things you can use. In the article you will see the before and after photos of what the mold looked like. The household cleaning tip uses just two simple things. You will want to keep reading these simple to do household cleaning tricks to clean and remove mold from wood and walls and keep it from coming back into your house. These cleaning tips are also good because they won't mess up your paint!

You will want to pay close attention to these household tips showing you the correct way to clean up the mold and how to prevent it from coming back! Depending where you live some places just seem to be more susceptible to pesky mold. You will want to pay close attention, and make sure it is not growing in your house, you don't want you or your family breathing it in. In areas that get a lot of rain, and houses that have basements can sometimes hold a lot of moisture. That is a sure recipe for black old. It can be very pervasive and keep coming back if you don't know the proper cleaning tips to getting rid of it.

The following cleaning tip is the best way to remove the old and keep it from coming back. The things that can cause mold inside your home include humidity, leaky pipes, poor ventilation, condensation, and flooding. When people see mold, quite often they grab the bottle of Clorox as the go-to household cleaner. People think that the Clorox will kill the mood, but this isn't true. The mold will feed on the Clorox and keep coming back, again and again, making for a vicious cycle. Clorox will also damage your paint, so you want to avoid it.

The cleaning tip for removing mold from your home is to use cleaning products that you can find at your local Home Depot. The cleaning products are Concrobium Mold Control and Zep Clear Shell Mold and Mildew Inhibitor. These household cleaning products are safe to use and won't harm your skin. To use the Concrobium Mold Contraol you spray it on the old, and wait a few seconds and then scrub with a damp cloth. Be prepared to use a little elbow grease, and sometimes you will need to spray the mold a second time. Most of the mold should wipe off. Once the area is dry, spray on the Zep Clear Shell and let it dry. This cleaning tip is that easy, it will clean your mold, while leaving your paint intact. The best part of this cleaning tip is that the mold won't come back.

On the Real Housemoms site you will find this household cleaning tips and plenty more cleaning, and organizing tips to keep you busy around the house. You will also find do it yourself ideas, lifestyle and holiday tips. Some of the cleaning tips you will find on the site include laundry tips that will change your life, clearing the clutter after the holidays, the best way to pack and organize holiday decorations, and plenty more.

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