Ruth's Chris Sweet Potato Casserole

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Casseroles are a great dinner recipe that can be prepared in advanced and popped in the oven on busy weeknights. "Ruth's Chris Sweet Potato Casserole," is a great recipe idea, with the added bonus of healthy sweet potatoes, perfect for the whole family.

This sweet potato casserole recipe works great as a side dish, especially for Thansgiving or Christmas dinner, and is a great alternative to a potato traditional casserole recipe. The site has two side dish recipes. For the first fluffy sweet potatoes with orange some of the ingredients you will need for this recipe include yams, orange juice concentrate and brown sugar. To start you will wash your sweet potatoes and cook in two inches of boiling salted water until tender, you can then peel and mash with all the ingredients of the recipe. For the sweet potato casserole side dish recipe some ingredients you will need include mashed sweet potatoes, sugar, eggs and butter. For the crust some ingredients you will need are brown sugar, flour, and chopped nuts. To start you want to preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and combine all the ingredients for the crust recipe and set aside, next you'll combine the filling recipe in the order listed. Both recipes sound delicious and easy to do. For the full recipe details you'll want to take a look at the recipe site.

This site is created by an interior designer and CEO of Annie Vincent Interiors, located in Arizona. The site showcases her interior design work and gallery, with lots of stories and recipes along the way. Her inspirations are drawn from both local and global sources, and she is dedicated to keeping current in this quickly changing world of interior design, alway attending seminars, classes and webinars with leaders in the field.

The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial nightshade family. In the Andes, where the potato is indigenous there are some other closely related cultivated potato species. Potatoes were introduced outside the Andes region approximately four centuries ago, and have since become an important part of much of the world's food supply. Potatoes are the world's fourth largest food crop, followed by maize, wheat, and rice. Potatoes are often classified as high on the glycemic index and are often excluded from the diets of individuals trying to follow a low GI diet.

Casseroles in the United States or in continental Europe usually consist of pieces of meat that can be chicken or fish (tuna is popular), various chopped vegetables, a starchy binder such as flour, rice, potato or pasta, and a crunchy or cheesy topping. Liquids are released from the meat and vegetables while they are cooking, and further liquid in the form of stock, wine, beer, or vegetable juice may be added when the dish is assembled.

To read more about this recipe, visit the website link below to the "Annie Vincent Interiors," website.

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