Single women banned from restaurants in Saudia Arabia

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Every country or Kingdom has its own set of policies that must be followed by its citizens as well as visitors or tourists. These rules may be unfair to others or advantageous in some situations. Even so, rules are rules, and although abiding can help to maintain harmony, it can also cause isolation among societies members.

Just recently, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has imposed its "women not allowed" rule, specifically in several dining places. This does not literally mean that women are not allowed to go to restaurants. The truth is, this rule is for all the single ladies in Saudi Arabia. They are only allowed to enter if they have a male escort, which means that they are not to come in single. You will know that a certain restaurant does not allow women to enter if it has a "women not allowed" sign displayed outside. The basis of this policy is that, according to some people, single women have the tendency to create social issues when they are in public places like restaurants. Some of these social issues are the following:

1. behaving in a shocking way,

2. playing loud music through their phones,

3. spending much of their time on their mobile phones,

4. no respect for acceptable public behavior,

5. They tend to speak loudly as if there are no other customers,

7. They tend to flirt with the other customers.

Because of this particular restaurant policy, single women are forced to stay at home. Do you think this is fair and appropriate? What social alienation can this cause? It is not new to us that Saudi Arabia has a hard time giving worth to their women. However, this is too much already. This policy has been a subject for criticism for decades. Of interest, the Secretary of the National Society for Human Rights in Saudi Arabia even has negative reactions about this.

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