The Perfect Way to Keep Lemons Fresh for a Whole Month

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Lemon is a very versatile fruit and is well-loved by everyone. Not only does it serve people in a variety of ways, it also is a significant element in beauty rituals from around the globe.

Lemons are known to be packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Phosphorous, Proteins, and Carbohydrates which is why servings of the fruit in healthy settings like lemon water, as dressing in salads, and the popular lemonade will definitely give the consumer a handful of the healthy vitamin and mineral dosage needed daily. In most cases for women, lemon becomes a very widely-used ingredient in facial masks and serum as the vitamin C contained in the fruit helps build the skin's collagen levels and in turn help with the restoration of a more youthful complexion free of unwanted facial marks as lemons bleach the skin's surface naturally.

Other health benefits of Lemon includes the treatment of high blood pressure, respiratory disorders, cholera, burns, obesity, fever and indigestion problems. Drinking Lemon water everyday on an empty stomach is proven to support weight loss. Lemons are also antiseptic and possess coagulant abilities that organically helps internal bleeding.

With all these uses and the like listed under the super fruit, one will want to know how to keep it as long as possible once you bring it home.

Depending on the season, you can pay up to a dollar for a lemon while other times you can get a bag of a dozen of them for a couple of dollars.

No matter what price you are paying you will want to have them keep for the maximum amount of time before they start to rot. Are you keeping your lemons on the counter or in the refrigerator? The featured website has some great tips on how to make your lemons last the longest.

Curious to know more? Please visit 'The Kitchn' website below.

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