This horse has a Birthmark of a horse! Wow!

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Horses have been living alongside humans for thousands of years, as our friends, our transportation and animals that do a variety of jobs. "This horse has a birthmark of a horse! Wow!," is an amazing

This horse has a super rare birthmark on his back,you have to see to believe. You might be surprised to learn that horses can also have birthmarks, and this baby horse with the horse birthmark is very popular today because of it. Da Vinci, a foal was born with the odd birthmark on his back, that is simply a version that resembles himself. It's really quite beautiful, and looks as though there is a horse running beside him, I love that it is so white, really amazing. The young horse also know as Vinny, is two months old and was born at Fyling Hall riding school in England. The young horses birthmark really does make you look twice, it almost plays tricks on your eyes as the birthmark is so perfectly the look of a another horse, wow. You'll want to see all the photos of this beautiful little horse on the site.

When Wendy Bulmer bought the little horses mother, she was not aware that she was pregnant, when she did give birth Bulmer wasn't very pleased but the little horse grew on her as it is so friendly and the kids just love him, how could you not love this lovely little horse? Buller says the little horse also has a little white heart shape on his bottom. On this site you will find lots of other great stories to include heartwarming stories, animals (cats, dogs, wild, endangered, rare and domesticated), lifestyle articles, luxury living, food, talent, and trending.

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