You'll Want To Eat Raspberries All Day After You Read This

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You will want to find out the Ten Secrets Of Raspberries that you didn't know! Most people can't resist the delicate taste of this tiny superfood that is rich in folate, iron and potassium. Raspberries are high on the list of favorite fruits, their ruby red color and sweet taste are always a good addition to dessert recipes, snack recipes or just eaten on their own. Did you know that the seeds of raspberries are packed with fiber? And that raspberry are at their peak between the months of December and February? There are lots to know about this delicious fruit that we simply can't get enough of. Most of us are familiar with the most popular raspberry variety of the classic ruby red variety, but raspberries are also available in pale yellow or black. Blue raspberry is just a flavor of Slurpee that kids can't resist!

The following are just a few of the secret facts about raspberries that you probably didn't know. Raspberries originated in Turkey, and it wasn't long before they spread out through the Mediterranean Europe because of the Romans. It is in Greek Mythology that the story of how white raspberries were stained red when Ida, a nursemaid to Zeus, pricked her finger on a sharp thorn. On just one raspberry there is approximately 100 tiny druplets, each one with a tiny seed contained within the juicy red pulp. In a large handful of raspberries, you will get about 20 percent of your daily fiber requirements. In that same handful of raspberries, you will get about 70 percent of your daily intake of vitamin C, necessary for a strong immune system. The best way to make raspberries last is to store them unwashed in the refrigerator on a plate that is lined with a paper towel and then covered with plastic wrap. You can wash the raspberries before eating them. When it comes to Aussie raspberries, they are grown, picked and packed under strict conditions, so you don't have to wash them. When it comes to freezing raspberries, it is best to lay them out on a tray, freeze them until solid, then place them in a freezer bag and put them in the freezer. Popular raspberry recipes can include bar recipes, sauce recipes, muffin recipes, cupcake recipes, cheesecake recipes, coffee cake recipes, smoothie recipes and more.

Raspberries are a popular fruit that is grown for the fresh fruit market and also for commercial processing into individually quick frozen fruit. Recipes that raspberries are used for include pur�es, juices, or for dried fruit that can be in a wide variety of grocery products. Traditionally, raspberries were a crop that was grown midsummer, but with new cultivars, technology and transportation, they can now be harvested all year-round. Raspberries need lots of sun and water for optimal development. As a cultivated plant in moist, temperate regions, raspberries are easy to grow and have a tendency to spread unless they are pruned. You will find escaped raspberries that frequently appear as garden weeds, spread by the seeds found in bird droppings. On the Taste site, you will find all sorts of things to keep you busy from recipes, how to's, health and nutrition, lists, menus and more. Some of the recipes you will find on the site include roast recipes, holiday recipes, slow cooker recipes, quick and healthy recipes and more. As the magazine of the same name, you will find excellent recipe from basic roast beef and vegetables to roast duck fat potatoes recipe and more to help you prepare dinners and recipe ideas that will have everyone coming back for more.

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