Insane Grip Strength!

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Look at this photo! Can you believe the strength this climber has! The shoulder joint is the most moveable joint in our bodies and one of the most common sites for injury. Rock climbing places a great deal of strain on all of the joints of the upper body and care must be taken to build and maintain adequate strength in preparation for climbing.

The shoulder joint relies heavily on surrounding muscle, ligaments and tendons to keep in anchored in place. Known as a ball and socket joint, the three major bones of the shoulder are the humerus or upper arm bone, clavicle or collar bone and the scapula or shoulder blade. Ball and socket joints can be unstable and injuries can result in sprains, strains, dislocations, tendinitis, torn tendons, fractures or arthritis. It is vitally important that rock climbers invest some time to regularly strengthen the muscles supporting their shoulder joint to prevent injuries.

Regular strength training for the upper body not only helps to prevent injuries to the shoulders and other joints, it also results in a sexy, attractive physique.

Toned upper body muscles are both functional and aesthetic. There are many exercises to work the upper body and a qualified trainer can help you develop a program that will suit your specific needs. When engaging in a strength training program it is always important to do a balanced workout. You can target sport-specific muscle groups to focus on, but be careful not to avoid working some of the smaller muscles that may be neglected. The wrists are one part of the body that are often overlooked when developing a strength training program. Simple wrist curls with light weights may not do much for your appearance but will help prevent arm and hand injuries if you engage in sports like rock climbing. Climbing places particular strain on your hands and arms as you suspend your body weight while you climb. Stay safe and strong by working your upper body strength training program regularly and have fun out there.

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