WATCH Video How to Clean Your Clothes Naturally: No Detergent Needed!

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You will want to Watch Video How to Clean Your Clothes Naturally: No Detergent Needed! You will love these eco friendly cleaners and natural homemade cleaning products that you can use or make on your own. These eco friendly cleaners will save you money and have your laundry clean and fresh without the use of toxic chemicals that aren't safe for you and your family. These are some of the best eco friendly ideas for your laundry. One of the most exciting things is the Crystal Wash laundry balls that you will learn about. These amazing eco friendly cleaners contain no soap, and inside have ceramic balls that change the PH of the water, making it similar to natural hydrogen peroxide with cleans your clothes. The laundry balls are completely odor free and will save you money on your laundry. Two of the laundry balls cost $50 which will do 1000 loads of laundry. You can recharge the laundry balls in the sun. It might seem impossible to clean your laundry without the use of laundry detergent, but from the testimonials and research done, it sounds like these eco friendly laundry balls are the way of the future.

Another of the eco friendly cleaning supplies is in a DIY laundry ball. These laundry balls are made out of 100 percent wool and are super easy to make. They are essentially a DIY fabric softener. To make you use the 100 percent wool and start by wrapping the wool around your fingers and making the wool into a ball about the size of a tennis ball. Once the laundry balls are made you will want to put each one in an old nylon, then knot it. Then you want to put the laundry balls through about three washer and dryer cycles so the wool will felt. Once the laundry balls are made you can put a few drops of essential oil onto them in a scent you like, with lavender being a good example. Then use the wool laundry balls in place of dryer sheets. These natural homemade cleaning products will last for a long time, pretty much until they start falling apart. Another of the DIY natural homemade cleaning products is a DIY fabric softener. Simply take an old fabric softener bottle (so you know what is inside the bottle), or buy an empty bottle from the dollar store. Then fill with white distilled vinegar, and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, lavender is a good idea, or you might want to try lemon. It's up to you. This all natural fabric softener will help deodorize and make your laundry softer.

By using these eco friendly cleaning supplies and natural homemade cleaning products you can not only save money doing your laundry, but you can avoid using cleaning products that are toxic and harmful to your family. Knowing what ingredients are in your eco friendly cleaners makes you feel better about what you are using for both you, your family and the environment. These eco friendly cleaners smell good too. It's a good feeling when you can make your natural homemade cleaning products, it's fun, saves you money and you can add essential oils that you like. This video for eco friendly cleaners and natural homemade cleaning products on how to clean your clothes naturally can be found on the "Health Nut Nutrition" site. On this YouTube channel, you will find all sorts of short step by step video tutorials on a variety of topics from recipe ideas, eco friendly cleaning supplies, natural homemade cleaning products and more. *

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