Dirty Car Owners Find Their Cars �Vandalized� With Amazing Drawings, And Your Car May Be Next! b

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Art can be found in the most random of places. And where one person might see a dirty car or truck, another sees a blank canvas. And if you live in Moscow, your car might also become the target of a piece of art, whether you want it or not. These stunning pieces of art, take dirty car drawing to a whole new level. The amazing car and truck art is thanks to Russian illustrator Nikita Golubev, who brings out the artistic potential of dirty cars by turning them into amazing pieces of art. Before Golubev started this ongoing project, he also did plenty of painting, drawing and digital art, which you can now see on his Facebook page. But this car project has to take the precedence simply because of how fragile and temporary these amazing drawings are. So the next time somebody makes fun of your dirty car, just explain to them that you're simply supporting the local street artists with a blank canvas. Nikita Golubev targets the dusty cars and vans in Moscow as part of an ongoing art project called #dirtpainting. When Golubev is not drawing new sharks onto dusty truck doors using his fingers and paintbrushes, he's a multimedia artist whose other works have centered around fine art, character and film design and digital art.

Street art is the type of visual art that is created in public locations and is usually unsanctioned artwork that is executed outside of the context of traditional art venues. The term street art gained popularity during the graffiti art boom of the early 1980s and continues to be the name used for new projects. Stencil graffiti, poster art or sticker art, and street installation or sculptures are common forms of new modern street art. Other street art ideas include video projections, yarn bombings, and Lock On sculpture which have all become popularized at the turn of the 21st century.

The terms of urban art, post-graffiti art, neo-graffiti and urban art are also sometimes used when referring to artwork that is created in these contexts. Traditional spray-painted graffiti artwork itself is often included in the same category, excluding territorial graffiti or pure vandalism. Street art is quite often motivated by the preference of the artist to communicate their ideas directly with the public at large, free from any sort of perceived confines of the formal art world. Street artists will often travel between different countries to spread their designs.

Street art is the form of artwork that is displayed in all sorts of community places to include buildings, streets, and other publicly viewed surfaces. Many pieces of street art can also come in the form of guerrilla art, which is artwork that is composed to make a public statement about the society that the artist lives or works within. The work of street artists has changed from the early beginnings of graffiti and vandalism to modern day guerrilla art where the artists are working to get new and powerful messages across to the viewers. Street art can come in a variety of forms. The term street art has become an umbrella term for any work sort of art that is created or placed in a public area. Included within this term, are certain types of new graffiti art that have been labeled as works of art rather than works of vandalism. These new photos are just some of the photography you will see on the Bored Panda site. On the site, you will also find new trending news, new trends, nature, art, photography, diy ideas, animals and plenty more. **

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