How To Clean Window Blinds Without Breaking Them

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One of the cleaning projects around the house that often gets left till the last or forgotten about is doing the window blinds. This cleaning task probably gets put on the back burner because it's a cleaning job that can take a lot of time, and work completely. It's also a cleaning job that gets put on the side because you don't always notice just how dirty the window blinds can get until the blinds are open and the sun shines in. This is the moment when you see all the dust and dirt that has built up on the window blinds, and you realize it is time to get the cleaning done. You also start to wonder at this point whether there is an easier way to get the cleaning task done, rather than wipe each blind with a cloth. Some people take the window blinds twice a year and soak them in the bathtub. Which is quite a pain, and this might also risk breaking a blind or two, which causes more hassle than good. So if cleaning your window blinds is something that is on your list of house cleaning projects to do, you will want to take a look at these window blind house cleaning tips, and DIY idea to get the task done.

For this window blind house cleaning tip and DIY idea, you will need a pair of tongs, a microfiber cloth, and two rubberbands or hair ties. To begin, you will want to cut the microfiber or cotton cleaning cloth in half. Wrap one half of the cleaning cloth around the top of each of the tongs. Then using the rubber band or hair tie, secure each of the cleaning cloths to the tong. Then insert the tongs with the cleaning cloths secured into the slats in your window blinds and apply some pressure, so that the tongs close on the blinds. Then you want to move the tongs back and forth across the window blinds. The microfiber cloth or cleaning cloth will pull up all of the dirt and dust. Then just wipe the cleaning cloths off with another cleaning cloth in between cleaning if they get too dusty. If you have blinds that are especially dirty, you can lightly spray the microfiber cloths or clean cloth with an all-purpose cleaner. For the full step by step tutorial on this window blind house cleaning tip, you will want to take a look at the Mom 4 Real site.

You can use this DIY idea to make a natural cleaner to clean your window blinds, that is easy to make and used no harsh chemicals. You will find the full step by step tutorial for th is all-purpose DIY idea and natural cleaner on the Moms 4 Real site. To make you will need water, distilled white vinegar, lemon essential oil and a clean spray bottle. To make this all-purpose natural cleaner you will need to purchase a spray bottle to hold your natural cleaner. It's nice to get a clear plastic spray bottle, and you can find some fun stickers so label the spray bottle with your all-purpose natural cleaner. Both the stickers and the spray bottle can be found at the Dollar Store. The first step to making your DIY idea for all-purpose natural cleaner is to add the water to the spray bottle. Next, you will want to add the distilled white vinegar to the spray bottle, followed by the lovely smelling lemon essential oil. For the full tutorial, you will want to look on the site.

You will find this window blinds house cleaning tip on the Mom 4 Real site. On the site, you will find home tips, house cleaning tips, natural cleaners, DIY ideas, recipes, decor, crafts, videos and more. **

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