Never Store These 5 Items in Your Garage!

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Sometimes we have more stuff than we know what to do with. You may feel inclined to store any overflow items in your garage but you might want to reconsider that after you find out these things that you shouldn't store in your garage. The garage doesn't have the same level of insulation or climate control as your home does and that means temperatures tend to fluctuate a lot which can affect the items in your garage.Also, the garage doesn't have proper ventilation like our homes do so that means that moisture is likely to build up which can cause mould and mildew to grow. Since the garage is not insulated as well as your home, bugs can also come and go as they please which means that anything you store in there could become infested with bugs. So storing clothing and other fabrics in the garage is pretty much out of the question unless you don't mind them being susceptible to mold, mildew and insect infestation. You may be able to store certain outdoor clothing in your garage especially if it's stored in air tight containers where the air stays dry and cool.

Besides clothing, there are other items that will not do well with being stored out in your garage. So when you're cleaning your house and need an extra space to store some things, you may want to check with these house cleaning tips beforehand to find out whether or not you should store items in there. First of all, canned foods are not good to store in the garage. Canned food is meant to be stored in an environment that stays a constant temperature. Storing the goods in your garage where they are exposed to the rising and falling temperatures will speed up their expiration date so keep the cans inside. Next up, your propane tanks should never be stored in your garage. Since propane tanks need proper ventilation, and could explode if they don't get enough circulating air. Even the smallest cans of propane could be dangerous to store inside. Keep your propane tanks outside at all times for safety reasons.

If you think having a second refrigerator is a good idea for you, you can have one but just don't keep it in the garage. Since the garage temperatures are always fluctuating, your fridge is going to use a lot of energy to thermoregulate so you're going to end up paying a higher utility bill in the long run. Instead, keep your second fridge or deep freeze down in your basement or in another area of the home. As mentioned before, storing clothing and fabrics in your garage is a no-no, so it's best to keep them inside in a closet, or in a cool, dry area. To protect them even more, you can use vacuum-sealed bags to keep any extra moisture or critters out. So if storing clothing in your garage is out of the question than storing photos or personal belongings in the garage. Photos are also susceptible to moisture and heat, and they can be ruined in a matter of moments if there is rain that gets into your garage. Store your photos in a sealed plastic container somewhere dry and safe in your home. If you have really precious belongings that you want to be kept in good shape, consider getting a safe to put them in where they can last for years undisturbed. Check out all of the great house cleaning tips from Tip Hero and make sure you share these tips with your friends and family so they know what to keep out of their garage too.***

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