Unique and Handmade Wooden Egg Holder

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Depending on where you get your cage free eggs, you will store them in different ways. This country style handmade wooden egg holder is just one of the ways you might choose to store your eggs, especially if you live the off-grid life. This might be the way you store your eggs if you have a flock of chickens and you enjoy the homestead life. If you purchase your cage free eggs from the grocery store, most likely they have been washed and therefore will need to be stored in the refrigerator. Whereas unwashed, fertile homestead eggs seem to store at room temperatures much better than washed, unfertile agribiz eggs. The reason for this is that when eggs come straight from the chicken, the eggs are coated with a light layer of natural sealing agent known as bloom. And, while a good wash may make a batch of eggs look much more attractive, it also removes this natural protective coating, which leaves the eggs more subject to attack by the air, aging and bacteria in the air, thus the need to store them in the refrigerator.

And it seems that for an off grid life one of the best ways to store them for long-term storage is in a sealed container at a temperature of about 35 degrees Fahrenheit to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Their whites might become somewhat runny looking over a period, but even after about seven months, the eggs that are stored in this manner smell good, taste good and have a good texture. Some will also recommend storing covered eggs with a solution of one part water glass mixed with nine parts of boiled and cooled water, which seem to work better than any other room temperature preservation method.

If you purchase your cage free eggs from the grocery store, then you will want to always keep them in their carton. The handmade wood egg holder works best for an off grid life or when you have your own chickens and the eggs are being left out at room temperature. As for eggs that are going to be stored in the fridge you want to keep them in their original carton. This is because the egg carton protects the eggs and helps to prevent them from absorbing strong odors and flavors of the other foods in your fridge through the thousands of tiny pores that are in the egg shell. Secondly, storing the eggs in their carton allows you to see the Best Before Date so you can guarantee the cage free eggs freshness. Lastly, eggs should be stored with the large end of the egg up, the same way that the eggs are packaged in the carton. This helps the yolk to remain centered. Other tips for storing cage free eggs that are raw and cooked eggs include not storing the eggs on the refrigerator door but in the main body of the fridge. This helps to help ensure that the eggs are kept at a consistent and cool temperature. Leftover raw egg whites and egg yolks should be put in airtight containers and stored in the fridge immediately. This helps prevent the egg yolks from drying out; you want to cover them with a little cold water. Then drain the water before using. When storing your hard-boiled eggs, there may be a gassy odor in your fridge. The odor is caused by hydrogen sulphide, which forms when the eggs are cooked. This odor is harmless and usually dissipates in a few hours.

This is just one of the wooden egg fresh and cage free eggs holders you will find on the Etsy site. On the site, you will find all sorts of DIY ideas and inspiration on a variety of crafts from woodworking, fabric, photography and more. **

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