Weeknight Cooking Is A Snap With This One-Pot Garlic Parmesan Pasta

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Weeknight Cooking Is A Snap With This One-Pot Garlic Parmesan Pasta recipe! If you are like most people, you may have trouble now and then thinking up new and exciting recipes to make for dinner. It can really be a challenge for a lot of people these days to have it all organized like we think we are supposed to, but yet everyone finds some days or weeks more difficult than others. What can really help to set things in motion for smoother sailing throughout the week is planning out your nightly meals. Think about it, after a long day at work or school, and maybe even a long commute on the bus or in the car, you are most certainly going to feel tired. When you come home, you are practically starving already, and when the body is in this state it will seriously just want about anything! This is when you end up eating a grilled cheese sandwich and calling it a day or maybe even just some crackers or chips to fill you up. But a person who has worked all day needs more nutrition and nourishment then that so be sure to treat your body right and fill it with good, healthy foods to keep yourself feeling alive and well.

Pasta is always such a great go-to recipe when you don't know what else to make. There are so many different types of pasta as well which makes it so exciting. There is linguini, which is the broad, long noodle, spaghetti, which everyone knows about, the long round noodle, as well as macaroni, the little tubular shaped pastas, as well as other tube shaped pastas like penne and minestrone. Now, there are even gluten free pasta options, since traditional pasta is made from wheat and flour, and some people are allergic to gluten, this can be an awesome option to substitute in so you don't have to say goodbye to lovely pasta. I personally love quinoa pasta or brown rice pasta. They taste just like the original flour based pastas and plus, they have more nutritional value. Quinoa pasta can serve as a protein, and brown rice pasta has all of the great fibre and B vitamins that brown rice tends to have. So even this awesome one pot garlic parmesan pasta recipe could be made with quinoa pasta or brown rice pasta.

This pasta recipe is seriously super simple to make. You really don't need too much motivation to want to make this recipe. The one pot recipe is just like the name implies, everything in the dish is cooked in one pot, giving you a beautiful pasta dish to feast on as a result. All that is needed for this recipe is some garlic, parmesan cheese, your pasta of choice, chicken broth, milk, and salt and pepper to your own taste. You saut� all of the garlic and mix in the chicken broth and milk until it thickens, and then you actually add in the uncooked pasta to the same pan. The uncooked pasta becomes cooked by letting the chicken broth and water cook it until it is el dante which means not too hard and nott to soft or mushy. You then add in the parmesan cheese to mix it with the pasta and all of the great garlicky flavour. Then presto, that is all! You now have your pasta dish ready to be eaten! How simple is that? Just as easy as making those cheap, unhealthy ramen noodles from the bag. You can experiment and add in some vegetables like asparagus, or broccoli would be great. You could even add in some cooked leftover chicken in if you wanted. Try out this super easy and delicious recipe yourself and see what you think!

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