10 Important Things You Should Know About Your Dishwasher

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Not everyone has a dishwasher, so for those who do � please consider yourselves very lucky! And if you do have a dishwasher, then you'll really want to ensure that you're using it to its maximum efficiency. How can you do this? With proper research, for one thing. We'll help you get started with these ten important things you should know about your dishwasher!

First of all, did you know that using your dishwasher is actually much easier on the environment than washing your dishes by hand? It's true! Many studies have been conducted in the dishwasher industry and time and time again, dishwashers have proven to use much less water than traditional hand washing does. While the run-of-the-mill dishwasher tends to use about six gallons per load, hand washing uses two gallons per minute. In addition, dishwashers can wash far more dishes with much less water than it would take to wash that same amount of dishes by hand. All in all, we say dishwashers win!

And here's another great little tip we bet you didn't know about! It can be much cheaper to run your dishwasher at night. Depending on where you live, electricity can be less expensive if used in the off hours. Peak hours for dishwashing tend to be after lunch and after dinner, so why not wait a little while and run your dishwasher at night? Perhaps even the low steady hum will help you go to sleep!

Did you know you can cook salmon in a dishwasher? Yes, you really can cook salmon in the dishwasher! It might sound crazy, but it is something that can be done.

To cook salmon in the dishwasher you'll want to start with some sheets of aluminum foil pieces that are large enough to wrap each salmon steak completely. Next you will grease or oil one side of each piece of aluminum foil. Place one piece of the salmon filet on each piece of aluminum foil and drizzle a little olive oil on top of each piece of salmon. Then you can sprinkle the salmon steaks with some salt, pepper, and dill weed to taste. You'll want to drizzle a bit of the lemon juice over each piece of salmon. Next stop is to wrap up the salmon steaks, making sure to carefully seal each foil packet. You also want to test each aluminum foil packet by pressing on it and if any air escapes you'll need to properly re wrap the aluminum foil. Next step is to put the salmon steak aluminum foil packets on the top rack of the dishwasher and run for a full cycle, with heated drying. The salmon will be done when the dishwasher runs the full cycle. Who knew your dishwasher could also be used to cook such amazing food!

If you find your dishwasher's starting to smell a little, a capful of vinegar can be your best friend. Imagine, just a tiny amount of vinegar can be powerful enough to eliminate odours and get your dishwasher back in top form! It's completely natural and safe with the environment, too.

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