Another Top 10 Secret Recipes

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Here are Another Top 10 Secret Recipes to make sure you reach super hero status in the kitchen. Who doesn't love those brand name fast food delicacies that aren't always the healthiest alternatives but generally some of the most memorable food experiences. That's right, we'll have you step over to the dark side and learn to make some of these creations at home in your own kitchen.

Listverse is the site to find this information, it's a place for explorers who are seeking random and useful bits of knowledge. Those tidbits that the human race can't live without are uncovered by the brains at Listverse, they research and learn and claim to have fun along the way. Their promise is to publish at least three lists per day, those lists are packed with the facts you desire, the answers to the questions you've been pondering. You're guaranteed to exit the Listverse site just a little brighter than when you arrived! Listverse followers are not only the most exciting people at your party, they are often the smartest. So stop in and see what you can learn!

Before next weekend take time to review this list and visit your local grocery store to stock up on everything you'll need to prepare some of these delicious take-out treats. Superbowl party? It's the perfect selection! Baby Shower? Why not, the new momma needs some calories, and you'll be her new best friend when you serve up some of these guilty pleasures! Plus, why pay the ridiculous prices to the fast food chains, just make the same food at home!

The following is a list of the Top 10 Secret Recipes you'll find at Listverse:

1) McDonald's Big Mac

2) KFC Coleslaw

3) KFC Chicken

4) Coca-Cola

5) Heinz Ketchup

6) Applebee's Mudslide

7) Taco-Bell Quesadillas

8) Nieman Marcus $250 Cookies

9) Reese's Squares

10) Starbuck's Pumpkin Scones

Best of all, these recipes are made with simple everyday ingredients, many of which you likely already have in your pantry. So next time you're making some homemade fries, why not whip up some ketchup. As you will see on the Listverse site, the recipes are inspired by the original products and a quick read through shows how easy they are to follow. We know you're going to love this list and your family will love the end result. Few things are better than finishing the day by preparing a meal that everyone at the table loves. This is your moment, grab your cape and claim your prize... Super hero status is yours!

The first secret recipe on the list is probably one of the most popular, and a fast food recipe that people have been enjoying for years. The recipe is the McDonald's Big Mac recipe. One of the best parts of the recipe is the secret Big Mac sauce. To make this yummy sauce you will need some mayo, some French salad dressing, sweet relish and ketchup, for the rest of the ingredients you will want to head over and check out the list, but before you do make sure you have some sesame seed buns, and some beef patties.

This list from Listverse has all the best secret recipes you will need to stay at home for a while, and avoid eating out, good news especially when the weather is cold out and you want to stay in. Two of the recipes on the list are from Kentucky Fried Chicken, you can probably guess what they are, because they are the best on the menu. The KFC coleslaw and the KFC chicken recipe. We've all heard through the years about the secret KFC chicken recipe, the recipe that was apparently a secret to even the employees at all of the restaurants, Colonial Saunders was not giving this one up.

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