Genius Way to Easily Get the Few Remaining Toothpaste in the Tube

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We've all been there, you're trying to do something, and you think that there has be an easier way to do it. Well, that's what Household Hacker's videos are all about. In this particular video, we get to learn 11 quick and simple life hacks to make our lives easier. If there's an easier way to do something, then why not take advantage of that? There are probably other things you would rather spend your time and money on anyway, which is what simple life hacks are geared to do. This is a compilation of different hacks that will help you get organised in your home, help you save money and food, as well as help you save time and energy. The great part is, they're all really easy to do, and you have full video and voice instructions to follow along with to make sure you're doing it the proper way to get the best results. So be sure to save the ones you'd like to try out and give them a try as soon as you can.

1. Getting that last little bit of toothpaste out of the tube is probably something everyone attempts to do. But it can get pretty frustrating, especially when you're down to the last drops, and you don't have a backup tube of toothpaste. You can easily get out the last bits of toothpaste by pushing all of the paste up toward the opening and then by folding the end up and securing it with a binder clip. Just pick some of the larger binder clips up at an office supply store, so you have one handy for your toothpaste. You can also use this trick for tubes of lotion or body wash too.

2. Avoid getting greasy hands when you eat microwaveable popcorn. Pop your microwavable popcorn as usual, then take it out of the microwave and let it cool for a couple of minutes. Take a sharp paring knife and just cut away an opening on one of the sides of the bag to make the bag into a bowl. That way, you don't have to use a bowl, and you'll save time on doing the dishes.

3. If you would love a more organised closet space, make your own tie, belt and scarf organisers. Just take a hanger, plastic, wood, metal, it doesn't matter. Then take some shower curtain rings and hook them onto the bottom part of your hanger. You can thread your ties, belts and scarves right through the rings and they'll take up way less space than before. You can also make this a little neater and tidy by zip-tying the shower rings to the bottom of the hanger, then zip tie the shower rings together to create a grid that you can hang your items on.

4. Get rid of all that dust at the bottom of your cereal box. Just take a fine mesh strainer and pour your cereal into it, then sift all of the fine dust out of the cereal by tapping the strainer over your sink or garbage can.

5. Make your own homemade cooking spray by mixing one part oil with 5 parts water to get the perfect consistency for cooking oil. Put the mixture in a spray bottle, and you've got your own natural cooking spray. Just be sure to shake it up before you use it to mix the water and the oil well. This will work perfectly for spraying your pans and baking sheets before you bake or cook.

Enjoy trying out these awesome simple life hacks and be sure to share them with your family and friends.***

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