How to Make Bacon in the Microwave

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With this great and straight to the point instructional video, you can learn how to make bacon in the microwave with no mess whatsoever in a matter of minutes. All you need is some paper plates to put the bacon on, paper towels to soak up grease, and to properly place the bacon on the plate so that it gets cooked evenly. The best part is that you can quickly make bacon with absolutely no clean up required, no grease on your pots and pans since you will only be using the microwave, and yet it still gets the job done and tastes incredibly delicious when you are done in about seven minutes total cook time. In fact, you can microwave as sorts of different foods, not just bacon, though it certainly makes sense to microwave bacon and save on having to scrub pots and pans for long amounts of time when you can simply throw away the excess paper plates and paper towels with ease by using a microwave instead.

As a kid, my favourite breakfast food was bacon by far, and it was a bit of a Sunday tradition in my house to always have bacon and eggs on Sundays. Something about eating delicious crispy strips of bacon still makes my mouth water to even think of it to this day. I couldn't believe how anything could taste so good, and I didn't even mind if it was dripping with grease at that age, though now I'm more health conscious and if I do eat bacon I make sure to absorb the grease with a paper towel before eating it. My favourite part was eating bacon and eggs sandwiched between an English muffin for a truly delicious way to start my day. The part that I hated though was soaking and scrubbing out all the bacon fat and grease that would inevitably cover the cooking pan as a result. I wish I had known that we could have used a microwave to cook bacon since it would've allowed us kids a safe way to cook food without so much effort in preparation and cleaning.

Back when I was growing up, there was a common misperception that microwave bacon somehow zapped more nutrients out of food than a regular oven or stove would, although nowadays this has been proven to be incorrect. Apparently it really depends on how long you cook your food, since obviously if you cook it for a very long time more nutrients will burn off the food, but if you cook it a normal amount of time a microwave can actually deliver the same nutrition as any other cooking method. One of the challenges of cooking in a microwave is that it does not cook as evenly as, say, a frying pan would. However, this is easily fixed by flipping the food over half or three-quarters of the way through cooking it in order to cook it more evenly. In this video, the creator does something very smart and flips it after five minutes to cook it more evenly so you don't get an uncooked portion of the bacon. This is an incredible step-by-step guide that proves that you can use your microwave for a lot more than you though possible, and you get tasty delicious bacon as a result with no mess and little time invested.

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