How To Text A Girl You Like With No Chance Of Her Flaking

Find Your Perfect ONLINE JOB

Good old text game.

I used to be so lame at texting girls.

I mean SERIOUSLY bad, to the point where I would get a bunch of numbers and only a couple of girls would text me back... and then end up fizzling out because I sucked at keeping the attraction alive.

It was the one part of my game that I failed at consistently, regardless of trying out �proven� texting tips and rapport tricks that ended up doing nothing.

After testing, refining and testing some more I started to slowly get results... until I got familiar with a kind of routine almost that helped me hook the girl, connect with her and then get her over to mine for sex or to meet up with her on another date.

I've gotten to the point now where I would say that 99% of ext conversations with girls end up with them meeting with me.. which aint bad right?!

That's what I'm going to be teaching you about today.

PUA text game if you will.

A system for knowing exactly what to text a girl at any given time... with an end goal in mind.

What is that end goal?

Your goal is to turn that initial spark (when you first approached and picked her up) into sexual attraction and then turn that sexual attraction into... well her beating your door down begging you to bang her.

Sound good? Awesome, let's get going then.

How to text a girl in 3 steps... the ultimate system.

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